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Why over 1,000 brands trust us.
Videos delivered
Images delivered
Partnerships completed
Create a free project
From unboxing & testimonial videos to product & model photography - get the content you need.
Review applications from diverse creators
Every age, race, gender, and vibe, Trend has a content creator ideal for your brand.
Shoot product content in any setting
Need content shot in multiple kitchens? At multiple pools? In the snow/desert/mountains/beach? You ask, we deliver. No need for a content studio.
No stolen or lost products. Guaranteed.
Trend’s vetted network offers guaranteed security - don’t fear losing products.
No creator negotiations
Trend creators work on a set budget for all of your projects, so you don’t have to spend hours negotiating and can activate multiple creators at once - without friction.
Full licensing & distribution rights to your content
Your content belongs to you. 100% licensing & distribution rights to use on social, websites, ads, & more.
With Trend, I was able to generate the photos of my kitchenware in 12 different kitchens in 2 weeks time. There's no other way I could have pulled that off.
Jeremy Cai
Trend allowed us to easily look through profiles to find the best fits for showcasing our healthy cookies. Trend will continue to be a go-to place for us to augment our content bank.
Zach Ranen
Trend is the easiest and most cost friendly platform I’ve used to get content. Content that I can legally use wherever I need for my business to succeed.
Lizzie Russo
Trend allows us to always have a fresh stack of creative content to use across our website, social accounts, and ads. The creators are a pleasure to work with and always find ways to surprise us with what they come up with.
Daina Slekys Trout
Product Photography
Portrait Photography
Portrait Photography
Product Photography
Connect with content creators today.
Connect with creators that get you, and hire them to take your business to the next level.
Using Trend’s campaign builder I was able to generate the exact content I was looking in multiple homes for a fraction of the cost.
— Jeremy Cai
Product Photography
Using Trend’s campaign builder I was able to generate the exact content I was looking in multiple homes for a fraction of the cost.
— Jeremy Cai
Trend is joining forces with soona. Learn what this means for the range of content you can now generate for your brand.